A 4-Week Mini-Program to Develop Your Big Idea Worth Spreading
Start Date: Thursday, October 17; 1-2p ET I 4 Consecutive Classes I $497 via Zoom
Are you tired of watching TED Talks and wishing you could be the one captivating the audience with your revolutionary idea?
Do you dream of stepping onto that red circle, sharing your wisdom, and inspiring change?
It's time to turn those dreams into reality with this exclusive program designed to help you discover and refine your very own Big Idea for a TED Talk.
Introducing "Finding Your TEDx Big Idea".
In this 4 week mini-program, you will be guided through the process I use with my 1:1 clients to help them discover and develop their unique messaging and one Big Idea.
It’s time to land your TEDx topic, so that your message will resonate with TED audiences around the globe.

Here's what you can expect from Finding Your TEDx Big Idea Mini-Program:
Expert Guidance:
Led by a seasoned TED speaker, coach, and communication expert, this program offers invaluable insights and techniques to help you identify your core message and present it in a compelling and memorable way.
Idea Generation:
Say goodbye to writer's block and uninspired thinking. This workshop is designed to spark creativity and help you explore a wide range of topics and angles–until you find the one that truly resonates with you. From here, you will begin to identify stories to reinforce your Big Idea.
Feedback and Refinement:
Receive constructive feedback from your coach and fellow participants, so that you refine your Big Idea and ensure it's ready to shine on the TED stage.
Networking Opportunities:
Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for ideas worth spreading. You will build meaningful relationships and gain insights from fellow participants as you embark on your TED Talk journey together.
Finding a Big Idea is a journey—and it requires testing, creative experimentation, and insightful feedback. If your goal is to stand on the TEDx stage, you first need that ONE transformative idea that resonates and inspires.
This program will support you in that discovery process.
Program Dates:
This 4 Week Mini-Program (12 participants max) kicks off on October 17, 2024.
Class 1: October 17, 2024; 1-2p ET
Class 2: October 24, 2024; 1-2p ET
Class 3: October 31, 2024; 1-2p ET
Class 4: November 7, 2024; 1-2p ET
The investment is $497 USD. (While the financial commitment is modest, the program demands your dedication and a spirit of exploration).

Why A TEDx Talk?
You have an overpowering need and desire to share an idea worth spreading, even if it touches the heart of only one person in the audience.
My TEDx Experience
Years ago, my own TEDx talk changed everything:
Garnered over 140K views.
Led to countless speaking engagements.
Allowed me to share a key insight: navigating chaos through team alignment around a shared purpose.
Led me to a purpose-filled career of helping speakers like you use your voice to change the world.
Take the first step toward transforming your vision into a compelling TEDx talk
Ignite. Inspire. Impact.
I can’t wait to help you Share Your Big Idea With The World Through Finding Your TEDx Big Idea Mini-Program.

Meet Your Host
Alan Samuel Cohen is an international speaker, Executive, Team and Public Speaking Coach, and author. As a human connection and emotional intelligence expert, he speaks about the power of connection in business. Among his notable achievements, Alan led the publicity team responsible for the launch of the Harry Potter book series, which is the subject of his Ted X talk on “The Magical Power of Shared Purpose.“
Alan inspires audiences with ideas to help audiences be better communicators and connectors. He is the author of "The Connection Challenge: How Executives Create Power and Possibility in the Age of Distraction. His workshop topics include: “Share Your Story, Change The World,” which teaches the power of storytelling in business, and “The Emotionally Intelligent Leader.” Alan also co-hosts an annual Immersive Story Weekend in Miami annually.
Alan lives in Miami, Florida, with his spouse and their adorable Wheaten Terrier puppy, Bentley. He loves to paint, draw, travel and binge-watch thrillers on cable television.