hello Leaders, Coaches, Consultants, Executives and Authors
I’m Alan Cohen, and my mission is to help you take a stand for your voice, your story and your impact. I believe there is a great speech within every human–and this includes you!

You’ve Come To The Right Place If:
In the next 45 days, you want to be PITCH READY, so you can expand your reach to organizations, TedX, conferences, and virtual speaker summits.
You want a repeatable Speaking System to use every time you deliver another powerful, life-changing story.
You want to deliver a speech that will move and inspire people to take action.
You want to deliver your speech in a way that will help people think differently, act differently, and live differently.
You want to grow your influence and leadership through speaking
You want to develop more confidence to be able to walk into any room and on any stage to share your mission and vision
You want to feel joy as you spread your message knowing you are creating massive impact
You want more referrals and collaboration opportunities
You want more business and clients.
Getting on stage and delivering your story can be exciting and terrifying–especially when you want to inspire and motivate others with stories that are vulnerable and close to your heart.
If you have experienced any of the following, please know that you are not alone.
The thoughts. You’re plagued with thoughts like, “Hasn’t this story already been told?” and “Why is my speech going to be the one people remember?”
The nerves. You’ve got the calling to speak . . . but the nerves take you down every time! The idea of all those eyes on you makes you worry about how people are going to see and judge you.
The comparison. You’ve watched and admired hundreds of speakers. Your own life has been changed by great speakers, and you want to be the next Brené Brown . . . but you’re not Brené Brown. You just haven’t developed your own style yet.
The audience. You’re worried that you’ll lose your audience halfway through.
The blank page. You flip open a blank word document and, within minutes, you’re just scrolling through Facebook or LinkedIn, comparing yourself to other people’s business and speaking-success posts. Or just checking out cute dog videos. You’re distracted and suffering from writer’s block.
The ideas. You’ve had this story in your heart for ages, and it’s just not getting out into the world. You’ve got sticky notes and notebook pages filled with ideas that haven’t come together in a sincere, powerful way.
The how. You’ve tried watching YouTube videos about delivering great content, but it’s not enough. You “get” the how-to, technical parts of giving a speech, but you want to go beyond cookie-cutter and leave a speech legacy.
The past. You’ve tried EVERYTHING. From writing it on your own to attending countless Toastmasters meetings to taking a storytelling course, but you’re not closer to getting that speech written.
The drafts. You’ve written feel generic, cliched, and full of inspirational bumper stickers. You KNOW you have something moving in you, but it’s just not coming out authentically YOU. The worst thing you can imagine is sounding just like everyone else.
The mindset. Negative mental chatter sets in. Maybe you’re not meant to do this. Maybe your story doesn’t matter that much. Maybe you’re NOT meant for the stage after all.

Despite your fears, nerves, past, and drafts….
Do not give up. Your story needs a witness.
I’ve been the flashlight, muse, and fire for my clients, so they can reveal the stories within them that change the world.
Best of all, when speakers partner with me, they can share their story in a way that no one has ever heard before.
Innovative. Life-Changing. Paradigm Shifting. Perspective-Smashing.
Imagine people approaching you after your speech— tears in their eyes, connection in their heart–and telling you that YOUR STORY helped them heal, feel, think differently, or changed their life.
Do you know what happens when you have a speech that you KNOW is standing-ovation worthy?
You’re effortlessly pitching organizations as a keynote speaker, because you’ve put the time, commitment, and hard work into a story you know, with 100% confidence, will change lives.
You’re waitlisting clients, because they’ve heard your story and they know you’ve got the power to help them create the results they want. They haven’t trusted anyone to help them before, but hearing your vulnerability activated their desire for change.
You’re showing up at work and in your relationships in a new, intimate way. Reconnecting to your story has ignited your inner activist, and your mission carries you to places you can’t even imagine.
You’ve connected the dots of your life in ways that make you go “Aha!” You’ve found meaning in your experience. You have the freedom to take risks, telling your story not only more publicly, but more intimately, too.
You’re using your voice and story to impact social action. You’ve changed people’s perspectives in just one speech, and it stays with them forever. You’re part of the solution . . . and are now a catalyst for change in a world that desperately needs it.
I am ready to help you achieve these results with a speech that MOVES people to take action.

I help my clients get their speeches onto the stage, so they can make an impact by sharing their life experiences.
Business coaching is a built-in bonus that helps you look at how speaking can directly impact your business, and where there may be potential gaps or opportunities in your business offerings
In just 45 days, you will be confidently delivering the speech that will impact lives (theirs and yours!).
When we work together, we focus on:
your captivating story and it’s delivery
your audience, and
your impact.
I work with just a few clients at a time and dedicate my skills and attention to helping you tell your story, deliver it with confidence, and secure speaking engagements that get you in front of your right-fit clients.
The Share Your Story, Change The World 1:1 coaching program includes:
One 60 minute kickoff Speaking Success Strategy Session via Zoom
Two half-day (3 hours each) Craft Your Story, World Changing Speech immersion sessions, in person in Ft. Lauderdale or via Zoom
Four 50-minute Speaking Success coaching sessions via Zoom
Speech script edits between sessions via Google Docs
Video feedback between sessions via Loom- sent right to your inbox
This program is an elite training for clients who know they’re destined to speak from the stage.
I’ve developed a simple three step process to help you achieve speaker success.
First, we will establish your business and leadership goals. This will ensure that this coaching program is tailored directly to what you need.
Second, we will work together to curate your treasure trove of stories. Through our in-depth coaching and conversations, we will determine which of your stories have the greatest impact to match your goals AND connect with your audience.
Third, we will structure your speech around your personal stories and practice its delivery. You feel prepared to step on the stage, share your story, and create impact.
Are you ready to rock your speech and create audiences who take action?
Your investment for this high-touch coaching program is just $6,500. You can either pay in full or make two payments of $3250 each, billed 30 days apart.

What makes this program different?
I know that fine tuning your speech requires attention to detail–and these 8 core concepts will be ones we revisit time and time again.
SPEAK WITH INTENTION. Where in your delivery do you need to turn up the inspiration? Where do you need to wake people up? Where do you need to gently invite? We’ll review each section of your speech to determine the cadence, body language, and tone that will help your message connect with your audience.
HEART-TO-HEART CONNECTION. Here’s something you can’t learn in a course—the Emotional Intelligence behind speech delivery. I’ll help you emphasize the points of emotional connection with your audience, so that your story sticks with them for a long, long time after you’ve left the stage.
MAINTAIN CONNECTION, VIRTUALLY AND IN PERSON. Most people lose the audience about 5 seconds into their speech (your worst fear, right?). I’ll coach you through the speaking strategies that keep an audience engaged, whether you can read the room (in person) or are delivering virtually!
BE YOURSELF, EVEN WHEN EVERYONE’S WATCHING. The best way to banish speech delivery jitters is to feel 100% confident that your delivery style is going to land. Watching great speakers can sometimes be more intimidating than instructions. You’ll deliver your speech with your own uniquely captivating style - not like a bad imitation of every TedX speaker!
ACTOR TIPS TO INCORPORATE INTO YOUR SPEAKING STYLE. Speaking isn’t just about . . . speaking. It’s about standing. Posture. Gestures. Movement. Facial expressions that connect, even for the people who are seated rows back. I’ll bring my extensive acting background to your delivery, so you can be sure that every nuance of your speech lands the way you intend it to.
HANDLING NERVES. You’re thinking, “Who am I to be delivering a speech to these people?” I’ll coach you through learning to focus your speech-adrenaline excitement into poised energy. Instead of panic, shaking voice, and freaking out (no one needs pit stains during their talk). Worried that the audience is judging you? I will teach you the delivery secret that flips that judgment script.
BULLETPROOF MEMORIZATION TOOLS. All the rehearsal in the world isn’t going to help you activate your memory when all eyes are on you. I’ll coach you through some out-of-the-box memorization tools to ensure your speech is locked and loaded no matter what. (Hint: It involves tennis balls, among other tools and techniques!)
TWEAK YOUR SPEECH. Once we’re practicing your speech, we usually uncover that some of it doesn’t leap to life the way you’d hoped. We’ll tweak and revamp your speech–so that every word lands powerfully.
If you still aren’t sure about sharing your story, consider this.
You may be making your story all about you–but it’s not. It’s about them.
And if you keep the focus on yourself, this is one reason you may be getting in your own way.
Warning: Real talk moment.
Your calling to speak and share your story isn’t just about YOU.
It’s about the people who need to hear your story. It’s about that person, just like you, who needs to hear about your journey.
And it’s your responsibility to take action, gain confidence, and start sharing your story so that the people who need you most can find you.

Meet Alan
Alan Cohen is an international speaker, Executive, Team and Public Speaking Coach, and author. As a human connection and emotional intelligence expert, he has coached countless entrepreneurs, leaders and coaches to confidently speak in any room and on any stage.
As a speaker himself, Alans talks about the power of connection in business. Among his notable achievements, Alan led the publicity team responsible for the launch of the Harry Potter book series, which is the subject of his TedX talk on “The Magical Power of Connection."
Alan inspires audiences with ideas to help become a leader that can guide even the most difficult teams in working together successfully. Alan is the author of The Connection Challenge: How Executives Create Power and Possibility in the Age of Distraction. His workshop topics include: “Share Your Story, Change The World,” and “The Emotionally Intelligent Leader."
Alan is a native New Yorker, currently residing in Miami, Florida, with his spouse of 35 years. He loves to paint, draw, travel, spend time in the water and binge-watch thrillers.
I’m a funny, snarky, irreverent New Yorker with a heart of gold, and I never dull myself down for an audience - and neither should you.
Sought-after, professional keynote speaker for conferences, annual meetings, employee events, corporate webinars, retreats, university events... the point is, I know how to bring the energy into any room, on any stage.
Corporate communications expert who coached countless executives, entrepreneurs, and activists to deliver unforgettable speeches that leave a mark on their audience in a way that is completely unique to them.
Trained actor who brought that acting and performing expertise to my talk on the Magical Power of Shared Purpose on the TEDx stage — which has surpassed 130k views and continues to grow every day.
Expert and consultant in the areas of connection, communication, body language, and the energy of language; author of two books on Emotional Intelligence and the power of human connection.