Deliver An Unforgettable Talk That Changes Lives.
Keep Your Audience Riveted, From Any Stage (Even Digital Ones)
If You Could Just Step Up Confidently In Front Of An Audience, You Know Your Speech Can Make A Huge Impact.
You want to use a difficult life experience to bring inspiration, motivation, and hope to others who have gone through the same thing.
You’ve always wanted to be part of making a huge social impact, and you know you can deliver a game-changing perspective with a little help.
You’ve tried watching YouTube videos about delivering great content, but it’s not enough. You “get” the how-to, technical parts of giving a speech, but you want to go beyond cookie-cutter and leave a speech legacy.
You’re plagued with thoughts like, “Hasn’t this story already been told?” and “Why is my speech going to be the one people remember?”
The nerves. You’ve got the calling to speak . . . but the nerves take you down every time! The idea of all those eyes on you makes you worry about how people are going to see and judge and evaluate you.
You’ve watched and admired hundreds of speakers. Your own life has been changed by great speakers, and you want to be the next Brené Brown . . . but you’re not Brené Brown. You just haven’t developed your own style yet.
You’re worried that you’ll lose your audience halfway through, and you’re probably right.
It’s not because you don’t have a great message, but your delivery needs to match the message.
The Thing Is, When You Tap Into Your Personal Speaking Style, Here’s What Happens For You:
Your delivery is so powerful, you get asked to come back again and again.
Audience members are so moved, they’re inviting you to come to their organizations to speak.
You’re handing out your business card left and right, because people are so inspired, they understand that you’re exactly the right person to help them.
You’ll deliver a riveting talk, no matter how much you’re quaking in your boots just thinking about it right now. (By the way, you won’t be nervous—we’ll work on that.)
You don’t have to emulate anyone else. Instead, you’re completely confident because we’ve crossed every t and dotted every i in your talk.
I’m guessing you want that speech-delivery “high,” knowing you’ve totally nailed it and connected powerfully with your audience, right?
30 Days to Commanding the Stage and Inspiring Audiences
Real talk ahead: Your calling to speak isn’t just about YOU.
It’s about the people who need to hear your story. It’s about that person, just like you, who needs to hear about your journey.
If you have the calling to speak, you have a responsibility to take action and get confident so the people who need you can find you.
In just 30 days, here’s how we’ll get you confidently delivering the speech of a lifetime (and it’s not just about counting your “ums”!):
Where in my delivery do I need to be inspiring? Where do I need to wake people up? Where do I need to gently invite?
We’ll review each section of your speech to determine the cadence, body language, and tone that will help the message connect with the audience.
Here’s something you can’t learn in a course—the Emotional Intelligence behind speech delivery.
I’ll help you emphasize the points of emotional connection with your audience so that your story sticks with them for a long, long time after you’ve left the stage.
Most people lose the audience about 5 seconds into their speech (your worst fear, right?).
I’ll coach you through the speaking strategies that keep an audience engaged, whether you can read the room (in person) or are delivering virtually!
The best way to banish speech delivery jitters is to feel 100% confident that your delivery style is going to land. Watching great speakers can sometimes be more intimidating than instructions.
Let go of being the next TEDx star, and deliver a speech with your own uniquely captivating style.
Speaking isn’t just about . . . speaking. It’s about standing. Posture. Gestures. Movement. Facial expressions that work even from 20 rows back.
I’ll bring my extensive acting background to your delivery, so you can be sure that every nuance of your speech lands the way you intend it to.
You’re thinking, “Who am I to be delivering a speech to these people?” I’ll coach you through learning to focus your speech-adrenaline excitement into poised energy. Instead of panic, shaking voice, and freaking out (no one needs pit stains during their talk).
Worried that the audience is judging you? Learn the delivery secret that flips the judgment script.
All the rehearsal in the world isn’t going to help you activate your memory when all eyes are on you.
I’ll coach you through some off-the-wall memorization tools to ensure your speech is locked and loaded no matter what (Hint: It involves tennis balls, among other techniques!)
Once we’re practicing your speech, we usually uncover that some of it doesn’t leap to life the way you’d hoped.
We’ll tweak and revamp your speech so that every word lands powerfully.
Hi, I’m Alan, and I didn’t shy away from saying “Shit!” to make my point on the TEDx Stage.
I’m a funny, snarky, irreverent New Yorker with a heart of gold, and I never dull myself down for an audience.
You get to be courageously YOU in your speaking, so you can be unforgettable, whether you’re on a traditional or virtual stage.
Look, there are tons of courses and videos out there teaching you HOW to walk and talk on the stage.
But the fact is, if you want to be one of the greats, you need an expert who’s been there.
You need a coach who is going to help you go beyond delivering a technically great speech and completely embody your own personal speaking style.
You need an expert who is going to coach you through every nuance of your delivery, so you’re 110% authentically YOU when you speak.
That’s where I come in. I’m an author and speaker whose expertise is in the area of human connection. (Hint: That’s the power of your standing-ovation-worthy delivery.)
Sought-after, professional keynote speaker for conferences, annual meetings, employee events, corporate webinars, retreats, university events... the point is, I know how to bring the energy into any room, on any stage.
Corporate communications expert who coached countless executives, entrepreneurs, and activists to deliver unforgettable speeches that leave a mark on their audience in a way that is completely unique to them.
Trained actor who brought that acting and performing expertise to my talk on the Magical Power of Shared Purpose on the TEDx stage — which has surpassed 100k views and continues to grow every day.
Expert and consultant in the areas of connection, communication, body language, and the energy of language; author of two books on Emotional Intelligence and the power of human connection.
Cursing on the TedX Stage might not be for you, but I promise to coach you to be courageously, fearlessly yourself, from any speaking platform.
“If you’re looking to take your public speaking game to the next level, Alan is the coach to help you get there. Speaking in front of an audience wasn’t new for me, but truly writing, rehearsing and delivering a powerful speech felt different from my professional presentations of the past. Alan helped me tap into powerful stories, sell from the stage drive revenue-generating opportunities for my business and had me feeling completely prepared.
“More than all of that, he walked with me throughout the entire process and helped me take a huge step forward in an integral part of my business. My very first speech resulted in growing my email list with over 40 new subscribers and 12 discovery calls with potential new clients. The ROI is incredible already. I couldn’t recommend Alan any stronger than I am right now. If public speaking is an important part of your business or a goal for you… call him!”
- Deryl Sweeney
Here’s What’s Included:
6 Video Calls in 30 Days
Designed to accelerate your delivery confidence and get you out into the world in no time!
Practice assignments are tailored to your gaps and strengths in delivery, so you don’t waste time on cookie-cutter, online speech course assignments you don’t need.
Focused Practice Assignments
Buckle up! During our 30 days together, we’re accelerating your performance skills. You’ll get focused practice assignments targeting the next (achievable!) level in your delivery.
Viewing Assignments
Learn from the greats in a focused way. I’ll give you viewing assignments customized for the skills we’re working on, so you can learn by example—then make it your own.
The #1 shortcut to great speech delivery is receiving feedback! That can scare some people, especially when telling a story that matters. You’ll know I am your #1 champion, so the expert feedback I give you will uplift you, not bring you down.
session recordings
You’ll be able to revisit our work together every time you go forward to deliver a new speech. You’re getting a lifetime of skills with your investment!
Private Facebook Community
Join our private Facebook Group where you can get inspiration, motivation, and cheerleading from fellow speakers who are stepping onto the stage. Amplify your confidence by rehearsing among a community of supportive peers.
Virtual and Digital Stages Are Exploding
Right NOW.
Learning to deliver an incredible experience isn’t just for those times you’ve got a speaking gig on a traditional stage.
You can tell your story powerfully, reach thousands of people, and best of all, leave your digital fingerprint to be found again and again!
Here are some ways you can use your investment:
Create a YouTube channel to build your business. (Did you know that YouTube is the next Google? Get found!)
Deliver Facebook Live videos to your business audience to create a Know, LOVE, and Trust relationship.
Pitch your speech to speaker summits, and grow your audience like crazy without doing all that marketing work.
Instagram Reels + Stories are HOT! The Insta-audience is now at your fingertips.
Connect with potential speaker engagements by using LinkedIn to share samples and reels of your talk.
Your speaking reach is exponential. Start now, and get your audience growing right away!
This Isn’t The Time To Sit Back And Stay Small.
The world NEEDS your story, and ONLY YOU can deliver it.
Sure, there might be other people out there on stages talking about the same stuff you want to talk about.
But the fact is, your story needs YOUR fingerprint and delivery in order to be heard by the right people.
Every human being can deliver an incredible speech.
There’s nothing special about the great speakers in history, except that they heard their calling and nurtured their gift.
The longer you take to “DIY” your way to confident speaking, the less likely you are to take the bull by the horns and make it happen.
It’s time to step up, if not for your own sake, then for the sake of the people who desperately need to know they’re not alone.
For the people who need hope and inspiration.
For the people who are ready to hear a new perspective, delivered in a way that they can finally hear and connect with.
If not now, then when?
Your speaking legacy starts now.
Book a Free Speaking Assessment Call with me NOW.
Things People Ask Me:
What's the investment?
The Speak Up. Your Story Matters™ package is an incredibly valuable investment at $3,000.
Does this also include teaching me how to deliver my speech and get the gig?
I’d love to coach you through from idea to getting on that stage! This package is only for the first step — to help you write the speech that will change the audience’s perspectives forever.
If you’re ready to go from idea to stage, I offer a Committed Speaker Package discount when you sign up for all three phases:
If you’re not sure, book a no-strings-attached call with me and we’ll assess your needs.
Do you offer payment plans? How about refunds?
Yes, I absolutely offer payment plans. Your best bet is to book a call with me, and let me assess where in your speaking journey you are. Then, we can come up with a payment plan that works for you.
I do not offer refunds, as I only offer a select number of speech coaching spaces in my calendar. I’m 100% committed to every one of my clients.
Is this right for me?
You’re in the right place if:
√ In the next 30 days, you want to be ready to pitch your speech to organizations, TedX, and virtual speaker summits.
√ You want a repeatable system to use every time you’re ready to deliver another powerful, life-changing story.
√ You want to deliver a speech that will move and inspire people to take action.
√ You want to deliver your speech in a way that will help people think differently, act differently, and live differently.
Why do I need 30 days? Can’t I just send you a video for feedback?
The key to unforgettable, captivating speech delivery is rehearsal, feedback, rehearsal, and feedback.
The feedback I’ll give you, and all the coaching we will do together, will unlock your standing-ovation-worthy, totally sincere performance.
No, we can’t do that in an hour.
Hey, I’m friendly.
Book a call with me and we’ll get all your questions answered.
What If You Want The Soup-To-Nuts Speaking Package That Covers It All?
I can coach you through WRITING your life-changing story,
DELIVERING a standing-ovation-worthy speech, and
Get the Committed Speaker Bundle Discount by booking all three coaching packages together!