Join me to learn how to increase your impact and sales as a public speaker through authentic, powerful, story-driven connection.
Are you ready to become
A more inspiring and confident speaker?
I’m Alan Cohen, and my mission is to help you take a stand for your voice, your story and your impact. I believe there is a great speech within every human–and this includes you!
I teach leaders, business owners, coaches and consultants how to create and deliver inspiring speeches that will win you business and opportunities every time you share your story..

LIVE WORKSHOP: Thursday, April 18, 2024
2:00 PM EST via Zoom/$47
In the Confident Speaker Workshop you will:
Learn the 3 reasons why most speakers decrease their sales and impact and miss out on opportunities when they speak.
Learn how to mine your everyday life for stories to use in your speech.
Understand why focusing on connection to your audience first is the best way to leverage every speaking opportunity, whether live or on the virtual stage.
You will walk away from this workshop with….
Clarity on how -to improve both the quality of your speeches, as well as how to deliver them in a way that moves the hearts and minds of your audience,
New insight, awareness, and out-of-the-box ideas for stories to use in your speeches, so you connect more deeply with your audience.
A sense of confidence and calm, knowing that you can speak anywhere, anytime, with power and influence.
I promise that you can improve your speaking and delivery in a way that will increase a deeper sense of connection with your audience
Is it time to infuse your speeches with a great sense of purpose and connection?
LIVE WORKSHOP: Tuesday, April 18, 2024
2:00 PM EST via Zoom/$47
(Yes, there will be a replay for this workshop. But the REAL magic happens LIVE!)
Meet Alan
Alan Cohen is an international speaker, Executive, Team and Public Speaking Coach, and author. As a human connection and emotional intelligence expert, he has coached countless entrepreneurs, leaders and coaches to confidently speak in any room and on any stage.
As a speaker himself, Alans talks about the power of connection in business. Among his notable achievements, Alan led the publicity team responsible for the launch of the Harry Potter book series, which is the subject of his TedX talk on “The Magical Power of Connection."
Alan inspires audiences with ideas to help become a leader that can guide even the most difficult teams in working together successfully. Alan is the author of The Connection Challenge: How Executives Create Power and Possibility in the Age of Distraction. His workshop topics include: “Share Your Story, Change The World,” and “The Emotionally Intelligent Leader."
Alan is a native New Yorker, currently residing in Miami, Florida, with his spouse of 35 years. He loves to paint, draw, travel, spend time in the water and binge-watch thrillers.
I’m a funny, snarky, irreverent New Yorker with a heart of gold, and I never dull myself down for an audience - and neither should you.
Sought-after, professional keynote speaker for conferences, annual meetings, employee events, corporate webinars, retreats, university events... the point is, I know how to bring the energy into any room, on any stage.
Corporate communications expert who coached countless executives, entrepreneurs, and activists to deliver unforgettable speeches that leave a mark on their audience in a way that is completely unique to them.
Trained actor who brought that acting and performing expertise to my talk on the Magical Power of Shared Purpose on the TEDx stage — which has surpassed 130k views and continues to grow every day.
Expert and consultant in the areas of connection, communication, body language, and the energy of language; author of two books on Emotional Intelligence and the power of human connection.
(Yes, there will be a replay for this workshop. But the REAL magic happens LIVE!)